Nikon Z 50mm f1.2 S customer lens review - by Steve Regan, from Steve Regan Photography

Nikon Z 50mm f1.2 S customer lens review - by Steve Regan, from Steve Regan Photography

In association with Nikon, we lent one of our customers, Steve of Steve Regan Photography a lens to try out and review. As a Nikon Z series shooter, we knew he'd get the most out the Z 50mm f1.2 S lens with his Z9 setup. Read on to see some of his fantastic images and his thoughts about the lens. 

I have to start by saying that I loved my short amount of time with the NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S!! This lens is super sharp when shot wide open and the resulting bokeh is just dreamy!! I currently own the NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S and I have been wanting to properly compare the 1.2 against my 1.8 ever since trying one out on a Nikon NPS experience day for the Z9. That extra stop of light does come with some downsides though. It’s a lot bigger, a lot heavier and over 3 times the cost!! But is it worth it? YES!!

On the Z9 the 1.2 feels really well balanced and the build quality is fantastic. If you’re shooting in low light situations the 1.2 really does excel, especially when using eye detection AF but I did find when shooting in the bright midday sun an ND filter was needed when shooting wide open to get that beautiful shallow DOF. 

To summarise I would say that if you want something lighter or if you aren't shooting wide open most of the time, there's nothing wrong with going with the 1.8. But….. if you NEED that extra light hitting the sensor this 1.2 is definitely the king of the 50mm 1.2’s on the market right now.

Check out some comparison shots between the f1.2 and f1.8 below:

Posted by Graham Fry
27th May 2022

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